Quillette Magazine published my article on why artists aren’t necessarily leftist: “Art, Commerce, and Vision.”
If you don’t know Quillette, check it out! It’s an online platform for free speech.
Here’s what I wrote my friends:
I am delighted to send you my article on Quillette Magazine. It’s about why artists aren’t necessarily Left-wing. I write about Sabin and his work and broach, yes, the question of what real art is. Hint: “Real art is the product of the personal, human vision of the artist… Beauty, excellence, and the artist’s skill matter.”If you don’t know Quillette Magazine, I recommend it. Quillette is a platform for free-thinking. It’s one of the very few places taking on current controversies in a thoughtful way. Please consider becoming a Patron of this extraordinary venue.One note. If you follow my twitter feed, @tracilslatton, you will see that I follow, like, and retweet some Twitter users who are much further to the Right than I am, personally. I do this to preserve their voices. Twitter, along with Facebook and Google, is hell-bent on silencing Conservative voices. I see this as antithetical to free speech, which is the foundation of democracy. We the people need lively, and civil, discussions between people of different viewpoints. We the people need the opportunity to consider all viewpoints of an issue. Technocrat fascism must be resisted.
This article, “Art, Commerce, and Vision” came out of my deep feeling that artists must embrace the business of art.
I hope you enjoy this article. I always enjoy the thought-provoking articles in Quillette.
I left a comment on article found on the web site “Quillette “ and received a “Ping Back”. Being socially media ignorant I clicked on it and was directed to this blog. I scrolled through the blog and came upon the sculpture Sabin’s “Bust of Cerēs”. The bust fixated me to the point, I became motivated to comment.
I pondered. “How can I comment on a work of art. I am unschooled in such things. Sure I had visited museums in the U.S. an abroad but that is hardly a qualification. I put the lay in layperson. Plus I am only seeing it in two dimensions.” Still I felt compelled to opine. “But wait, the artist’s wife is an accomplished Ivy League educated writer. Do I really want someone of her skills viewing my chicken scratch? Being consider an art novice is one thing but being considered grammatically illiterate is quite another”, I thought.
“Ah, but I have the anonymity of the internet”, I reasoned. And the compulsion to type returned.
When I first saw the bust I read that the subject was Cerēs but being uneducated in Greek and Roman mythology, she was not my first thought. In her I saw the virtue of womanhood. She possessed majesty and nobility without royalty. My initial thoughts were: 1. Cosette of “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo and 2. Prairie Woman. Cosette requires no explanation, so I will focus on Prairie Woman. I pictured a woman who left the East with her family to make a better life in the West. I imagined her husband dying in route, leaving her and five children to fend for themselves. I pictured her building a home, drawing water, chopping wood, tending hogs and chickens while teaching and raising five kids. She builds a successful farm and becomes one of the unsung women who built this country. She is proud but not prideful. She is the rock upon which future generations are built. She is not a member of the pantheon but a goddess nonetheless.
Please accept this admiring review from the laity. I enjoyed greatly the work and the subject.
Many thanks for your thoughtful words. It’s wonderful that you were so inspired.