Gratitude, on many levels, for old friends and good reviews
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Gratitude, on many levels, for old friends and good reviews

A friend from my distant past contacted me recently. She sent a kind email and thanked me for something I’d done for her, all those decades ago.

My service to her was important, even life-changing, I say that honestly. But I also know that she would have found a way to do it without me. She was that kind of person: bright, energetic, personable, poised, competent.

And it was reciprocal. I learned from her. With my modest origins, I was something of an uncut gem in my early 20’s. There were things I simply hadn’t learned, like how to apply make-up and the value of a great haircut. You can get away with some rough shagginess when you’re young like that, but it sure does help in life to sport a slick of polish. My friend took me to her salon and sat me down in a chair and I received my first ever truly great haircut.

Everyone judges a book by its cover, and she helped me to foist a better one. I’m grateful.

At the same time, it felt really good to be acknowledged, to be recognized, for a kindness I had done. I’m sort of used to my good works going unnoticed, or even denigrated. Not by Sabin and my little one,  who are appreciative people, but by others from my past. I suppose I should be enlightened enough to follow the Bhagavad Gita’s advice, and do good things without attachment, simply because they’re there to be done.

But, dang, it does feel super good to be acknowledged and thanked!

In that vein, I happily thank book reviewer Psibabe aka Ashley Perkins of the Game Vortex site for her wonderful, thoughtful, insightful, and well-written review of my first novel Immortal. Perkins had read Fallen and some of my other novels and liked them, so she went back to read Immortal. Game Vortex is a big international gaming site, and I’m delighted to have the exposure. Good reviews feel pretty great!

So to Ashley Perkins and all the other book reviewers who have taken the time to read my books and write a review: Thank You! I know you have busy lives and yet you’ve done me a splendid service. I appreciate your time and thought.