I am a fan of Obama’s. I wept the night of the election, when he won. It felt like a vindication, like we people of the United States were finally getting a president for us. We triumphed over the shadow government, that tight little cabal who governs in the $$ interests of a select few.

So it is with interest that I watch Obama’s staff and cabinet choices. He seems to be picking people with teeth. Smart, capable, talented people with strong opinions, values, and intentions. People who don’t necessarily back down. People who don’t easily tolerate fools. I am eager to see how that works out. I can imagine some bracing discussions. Rahm Emmanuel and Hilary Clinton and Lawrence Summers, hmm. Wasn’t Summers disgraced at Harvard for saying women couldn’t be scientists? Clinton isn’t a scientist but she is one tough, brilliant, competent woman. Should be fascinating.
And I am impressed that Obama is choosing based on the feisty intelligence factor, not on who will say Yes to him easily. There’s a dynamic quality that can’t help but bring change. I believe that.

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