I follow astrology for the same reason I use the multiplication table: because it works. I use both Western and Vedic astrology, because they are views through different windows into the same richly nuanced room.

In the Vedic system, Jupiter recently entered Capricorn, the sign of its fall. It joins Rahu, the north node, the head of the karmic snake. From what I’ve read–and, admittedly, I am an amateur Vedic astrologer–this makes for a special situation (yoga) in which false guru’s are exposed. And sure enough, here’s the news about Madoff, the billionaire ponzi scheme con artist. Many people considered him a financial guru. I also read something about a NYC lawyer who was engaged in a scam, bilking people out of their savings. And, regarding a different kind of crime, it seems timely that poor little Caylee Anthony’s bones were found, a duct-taped skull rolling out of a plastic bag on a swampy piece of land near her home, during Jupiter’s entrance into its least favorite sign.
So I wait with interest to see what else will occur, what other guru’s will fall, their wisdom exposed as fraud. I am curious to see how this will play out.
Capricorn is a sign of practical, grounded, building and construction. This style of action is sharply in contrast to the exuberant, bouyant nature of Jupiter, the great benefic. Jupiter expands; it has open hands that shower luck everywhere. Feels good. But there’s a place for the steady, careful concretization of effort that makes for realistic foundations in the world, too. 
But even in Capricorn, Jupiter is lucky. Take this crook Bernard Madoff: exposing him was lucky. It was lucky for the people who were saved from his scheme, who might have invested with him if he’d been allowed to keep on trucking. We get to know the truth, which is Jupiter’s greatest gift–even if it’s the truth we don’t want to know.

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