Complimenti and mazel tov to the state of Maine, whose House of Representatives voted to legalize same sex marriages.

I am an advocate of allowing any two consenting adults, over the legal age of adulthood, to get married. It doesn’t matter what gender, race, religion, or planetary affiliation. If they are taking on the commitment of this heart-achingly difficult journey of union, let’s support ’em. Let’s recognize their courage and applaud their intentions.
The joke I tell is that marriage is hell, so why should it be reserved for straight people? Gay people or bisexual people deserve to suffer just as much.
But it’s not really a joke. In my opinion, marriage is the second most difficult enterprise any two people can embark on, the most difficult being parenthood. Yes, the rewards of both are infinite. Literally, infinite, without boundary or end. However, so are the difficulties, challenges, and obstacles. People, even well meaning ones, will try to thwart the endeavor. It’s fraught with all kinds of pitfalls and opportunities. Hate and love aren’t opposites, they’re two halves of the same whole. It’s a miracle, in my mind, that 50% of all marriages last!
Or, as Chris Rock said it best, If you haven’t held a box of rat poison and the only thing stopping you is an old episode of CSI, you haven’t been married.
Or, as Harville Hendrix reportedly said in a TV interview, “When it gets really bad, that’s when it’s about to change. And most people leave when it’s really bad, so they never get to the change. I think that’s such a tragedy.”
And there’s always my re-incarnationist stance. Gender is a costume we’ve put on for this lifetime, and may change for the next. It’s the soul within that counts, and soul is genderless. So when two souls fall in love, let’s not hold their costumes against them.
So: YOU ROCK, MAINE! If gay or bisexual people want to marry, they have the absolute right to both the dignity and the pain of it!

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