FAR SHORE makes it to USA TODAY list of HEA Paranormal Books!
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FAR SHORE makes it to USA TODAY list of HEA Paranormal Books!

Most excellent news: FAR SHORE made it to a USA Today list of Paranormal Books.

Scroll down to author Louann Carroll‘s recommendations and there is FAR SHORE!

Click here for the article.

Here’s where you can buy a copy for yourself:

Paperback on Amazon: Don’t believe Amazon if they say it takes an extra day to process. That’s not true.
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Tome Tender: Release Day Celebration!  FAR SHORE by Traci Slatton
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Tome Tender: Release Day Celebration! FAR SHORE by Traci Slatton

FAR SHORE by Traci Slatton

Tome Tender: Release Day Celebration! FAR SHORE by Traci Slatt…:

FAR SHORE By Traci L. Slatton The After Series – Book Three Publication Date:  October 10, 2013 Publisher:  Pavarti Press

Dii’s 5 Star Review:
The world has collapsed and the nightmare is never ending for Emma as she makes an impossible decision, and must live with its consequences. Arthur is found, but what is left is hardly identifiable as human, whether he will live or not is in question, but Emma’s sense of responsibility, loyalty and love leave her no choice but to try to save what is left of him. Is it the right choice? Has she given up too much? Does she place too much stock in her own invincibility, her own self-importance? Does she have the right to gamble with the lives of others, to use who she needs to in order to survive? Are her powers evolving again or are they fading away? What of Arthur? Her family she left behind?

Far Shore by Traci L. Slatton, the third book of the After Trilogy raises just as many uncomfortable questions as in previous books as we come to the end of this series, but the beginning of a new world for those who survive the unrelenting mist. Ms. Slatton is making a bold statement by not painting her heroes or heroines as anything more than what they are, flawed, traumatized and yet brave enough to take a stand and live with the consequences. Emma is practical, very strong and willing to take more than her share of risks. Arthur is not the strong, mysterious character we knew and the change is shocking. Alexei, with his own demons avenged and soothed, impossibly has done an about face, as he witnesses Arthur’s condition, but can he be trusted?

Do NOT expect to be comfortable with all of the decisions made or the actions taken, this world is still bleak, filled with deceit and treachery, but there is still hope, there is still love. In the end, it may have been one uncomfortable decision that ultimately may save the world and someone had to be strong enough to make it.  If you’re looking for something to scrape a little on the smooth edges of your comfort zone, this series will do it, but be prepared to be haunted by “what ifs.”

Paperback on Amazon: Don’t believe Amazon if they say it takes an extra day to process. That’s not true.
BNicon– Barnes & Noble eBook & Paperback
iTunes eBook

Tome Tender

Amazingly Awesome Amazon Review of FALLEN
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Amazingly Awesome Amazon Review of FALLEN

Awesome Amazon Review of FALLEN.

This 5 star review is on the Amazon product page for FALLEN, which has just received a new cover to go with the publication of  FAR SHORE, the 3rd book in the After Series.

Look for Dii’s review, entitled “What would You do to Survive?”

Here’s her review:

“A mysterious mist is devastating the world, humans caught in the mist are reduced to water and sand in an excruciating death. The survivors were left with little but their wits and luck in the cruel game of survival. True leaders are born who are not all bright and shiny, they are damaged, flawed and human, doing whatever they need to do to survive and provide relative safety for those in their care. Emma has been caring for a group of children in the months since the mist arrived, so when another band of survivors on horseback rescue them from the mist, she will do whatever it takes to join this group and keep the children safe and fed as she attempts to make her way to safety and her husband, thousands of miles away. Arthur, the leader of the group of men who rescued them seems to have some type of control over the mist, a power he has gained since the apocalypse. Others have also gained “powers,’ Emma can heal people; some have psychic abilities to read people and their intentions. Ask yourself, what would you do in order to survive? What would you expect of others?

Fallen by Traci L. Slatton, the first book in the After Series isn’t filled with the promise of a happy ever after. It is brutally dark, gritty and has a frighteningly realistic view of what a world-wide disaster could be like. The heroine didn’t start out damaged, but her determination to survive and keep those around her alive has caused her to do things she never would have dreamed of. Did it make her larger than life and completely likable? No, but Traci L. Slatton created her to be strong in a world filled with darkness, evil and people running scared. Emma does have a sense of loyalty, at time it seems skewed, but as I fell further and further into the story, I began to understand why, in a word – survival.
Arthur has secrets he is keeping, but as brutal and cold as he may seem, inside he has his own code of honor and a shroud of guilt he hides behind and he is falling for Emma. Should she tell him of her husband, who may still be alive?

Is the mist a product of nature? Science? Is it God’s wrath coming down on a power-hungry world? There are people who know the answers, people who seek retribution, who will pay the price?
Traci L. Slatton has stamped Fallen with her own style of writing, bold, thoughtful and driven by the characters as much as the plot. It is a story of survival in a world that seems doomed to succumb to the dark side. I was riveted to each dark page as my imagination went into overdrive ferreting out what I would do. This is not a traditional romance, so do NOT expect hearts and flowers, but do expect a story that will stay with you in that realm of “what if” long after the last page.”



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Spiritual Teachings I love

Spiritual Teachings I love.

Of late I have been reading Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Power (HarperOne, 2007). This is a beautiful book. It’s about true power, the power that comes from within, from the wellspring of goodness and truth within our souls.

I love what this spiritual teacher says about renewal and about the practice of love and mindfulness. So inspiring. I have just reached the part of the book where Thich Nhat Hanh talks about the declarations of love: “Darling, I am really here for you” is the first declaration. The second is, “Darling, I know you are there and it makes me happy.” And the third is, “Darling, I know you suffer. That’s why I am here for you.”
It’s wonderful to read these statements; they lead me into a deep reverie about love. I end up thinking about my beloveds and deeply sending them my love.
I also have been thinking about a Pathwork lesson on redemption. In general, I am guarded about the Pathwork. It’s not my path, it’s not for me. I find it harsh, rigid, inflexible, and unkind. But there are some interesting and compelling ideas in the Pathwork lectures, which were channeled by Eva Pierrakos, the wife of Core Energetics founder Dr. John Pierrakos.
The lecture in mind was about making restitution after real guilt. “Real guilt” is distinct from “false guilt.” We all do terrible things; that’s part of the human condition. Each of us has a shadow. The work of any spiritual path is to own and integrate the shadow.
At the same time, if we do something terrible, we feel badly about it–unless we’re a sociopath. Fortunately, in the spiritual traditions, there’s a method for returning to self-esteem, for rectification.
The steps are: own the action, apologize for it from the heart, and make restitution. This is about taking responsibility for our own actions. It is liberating, it is empowering. It is one of the foundations of the art of power.