On the rather wonderful and lively BookieNookie book review blog, reviewer Tickled Pink for Book Ink had fun with my After Series, which warms my heart to its deepest, tenderest, most innermost core.

She reviewed all 3 books of the series, most recently writing about FAR SHORE:

Reading this series has been exciting and awakening. I have never asked myself so many of life’s big questions due to a book, but the AFTER TRILOGY was clearly written with that experience in mind. In FAR SHORE, we learn much more to the workings of the mists, but more questions arise as well…

She emailed me a few days ago asking if it really was a trilogy, and I explained that it started as a trilogy but there was story left over to be told at the end of the third book, so it was now a series. She commented on that, also:

 Here’s the best news yet. IT’S NOT OVER! At the end of the FAR SHORE, I freaked out a little because I thought, “Oh no! That can’t be it, but it’s a trilogy so it must be!” I was more than a little upset so I went a little stalkerish on Ms. Slatton and searched her website and blog and finally just emailed her asking if there would be another book. Her answer was there would be a book four and maybe five! YAY!! I really want to hear about the group’s next journey and the plan to eradicate the mists forever.

So, to be clear: The After Series is not done, it’s not a trilogy, and there is a book 4 and likely a book 5. Stay tuned!!

Find BookieNookie’s FAR SHORE review here.

Find BookieNookie’s COLD LIGHT review here. “One thing is for certain, I am totally enthralled with this series. I can barely stop reading long enough to write a review….”

Find BookieNookie’s FALLEN review here.



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