Insightful Review of BROKEN on Tynga’s Reviews
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Insightful Review of BROKEN on Tynga’s Reviews

Stéphanie Leroux of Tynga’s Reviews wrote a thoughtful, fantastic review of Broken. Clearly she grappled with the story–she took it on and chewed it over and entered into a dialogue with it. I love those kinds of reviews. I love those kinds of readers. I took many risks with this novel and it thrills me when readers are willing to meet those risks head-on.

In part, she wrote:

Although the story was definitely not what I expect, it was truly original. It shocked me multiple times, brought me to tears, and provided good entertainment…

Traci L. Slatton took a huge risk by adding eroticism to some of the love scenes but personally I think it’s a great way to balance out the horrors of war. These opposites are strange because it’s unexpected but the love story does provide a way to escape into the story without being overwhelmed by the hostility of the occupation….

I enjoyed it, it’s not your everyday paranormal read. I have nothing to compare it to, and it’s hard to define it, but I guess that’s what makes it so stunning. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever read.

Find the review here, on the lively Team Tynga’s Reviews blog.

Insightful Review of BROKEN

Insightful Review of BROKEN