Movie Review: Hieronymus Bosch: Touched By The Devil
Hieronymus Bosch: Touched By The Devil pleased me enormously. I love Bosch’s work, and there were several moments during this documentary when the camera lingered adoringly over his paintings.
The film tells the story of gathering Bosch’s paintings for a 500th anniversary show in Den Bosch. A group of museum guys—archivists, restorers, historians—track down the works, and then have to wheel-and-deal with assorted other museum types in order to borrow the paintings. The Venetian museum director said, “These paintings cannot leave the Galleria L’Academia unless they are restored.” That was a thinly veiled shake-down—the Dutch team had to pay for the restoration. Leave it to the Italians.
The Prado bureaucrats were hilarious. A lot of delicate negotiation happened off-screen, but was implied. I chortled a few times.
A painting and a drawing were newly attributed to Hieronymus, and one painting was de-attributed. There was a scene when the team was asking, “Who will call Ghent to tell them?” Meaning, what poor sap would have the misfortune of telling the museum in Ghent that their Hieronymus Bosch wasn’t painted by Hieronymus Bosch? The team leader, they decided.
Meantime, a painting in a Kansas City museum was newly confirmed as a Bosch. That was fun. It makes me imagine finding a dusty, cracked old painting in the attic…and having it attributed to a great master. I could write a novel about that. Maybe I will.
It is, ultimately, Bosch’s imagery that is the star of this film. I was delighted to realize that not all the fantastic figures hail from the astral plane. Many do, of course; you can see the same demons there, if you alter your consciousness so as to perceive the astral plane. However, several figures are actually from the Devic Kingdom. I exclaimed out loud, right there in the Film Forum theater, when I realized that. How cool! The Devic Kingdom represented in a painting from 500 years ago!
The Garden of Earthly Delights ranks among my top 10 favorite paintings, it’s just ravishingly beautiful, a feast for the senses. I get lost in it.
If you like Bosch or love art, then go see Hieronymus Bosch: Touched By The Devil. It won’t disappoint.

Blood Sky Book Blog Tour
This post lists tour stops for the Blood Sky Book Blog Tour.
Bewitching Book Tours Set up a really nice book tour for my forthcoming novel BLOOD SKY.
Schedule Blood Sky by Traci L. Slatton
August 24- September 21
August 24 Spotlight
Booklover Sue
August 25 Spotlight
Zenny’s Awesome Book Reviews
August 26 Spotlight
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, and Sissy, Too!
August 27 Spotlight
T’s Stuff
August 28 Interview
Deal Sharing Aunt
August 31 Guest blog
Roxanne’s Realm
September 1 Spotlight
Books That Hook
September 2 Review
Fantatical Paranormal Romantical
September 3 Spotlight
Lisa’s World of Books
September 4 Character Interview
Eclipse Reviews
September 7 Spotlight
Books and Tales
September 8 Interview
Literary Musings
September 8 Spotlight
Books N Pearls
September 9 Interview
Author Karen Swart
September 10 Interview
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom
September 11
September 14 Interview
Urban Fantasy Investigations
September 15 Spotlight
Marianne Willis Author
September 16 Spotlight
Live Laugh and Love Books
September 16 Spotlight
Around the World in Books
September 17 Spotlight
Houston Havens
September 18 Spotlight
CBY Book Club
September 18 Spotlight
Geeks In High School
September 18 Spotlight (review)
Books and Authors
September 21 Guest blog
Fang-tastic Books

Book Trailer for BLOOD SKY
So BLOOD SKY will soon be out… Here’s the Book Trailer.
This is the book trailer for BLOOD SKY, Book 4 in the award-winning After Series, by Traci L. Slatton
In a time of apocalyptic despair, love is put to the test… Deep in the badlands of Outpost City, in the Dark Horse saloon, a poker game is being played. The stakes are life and death—for the world. What can Emma afford to lose? Will she gamble on herself, or on Arthur? Will love find a way when the apocalypse closes in? A mystical odyssey, a haunting love…

I am so fortunate to have become acquainted with some of the most generous-spirited book review bloggers going. Sandy at THE READING CAFE is one of those smart, kind, thoughtful people. She accepted BROKEN for review and asked me to write a guest post, and then she sent the review and post to Twitter Heaven, doing a wonderful job of spreading the word.
Her efforts on my book’s behalf are most appreciated!
And I liked her review, which was clear and incisive. She wrote, in part:
Traci L Slatton is an amazing writer whose storylines are infinitely detailed with both fact and fiction; fantasy and reality. Her style of writing is intense; the historical research impressive; and the overall premise is a flight into the fantastic and uncoventional.
My guest post is about “Writing Historical Romances, Accuracy and History.” I mention,
Winnowing down the horrific German occupation of the City of Lights this way provided an opportunity for me to deeply relate my characters to very specific events. Alia, an angel who fell from heaven, experiences the oppression of the time personally and with great intensity. She and her beloved friends suffer through food shortages, lack, loss, and sacrifices in minute detail.
Many blessings and much gratitude to Sandy and THE READING CAFE for the support for BROKEN!

Insightful Review of BROKEN on Tynga’s Reviews
Stéphanie Leroux of Tynga’s Reviews wrote a thoughtful, fantastic review of Broken. Clearly she grappled with the story–she took it on and chewed it over and entered into a dialogue with it. I love those kinds of reviews. I love those kinds of readers. I took many risks with this novel and it thrills me when readers are willing to meet those risks head-on.
In part, she wrote:
Although the story was definitely not what I expect, it was truly original. It shocked me multiple times, brought me to tears, and provided good entertainment…
Traci L. Slatton took a huge risk by adding eroticism to some of the love scenes but personally I think it’s a great way to balance out the horrors of war. These opposites are strange because it’s unexpected but the love story does provide a way to escape into the story without being overwhelmed by the hostility of the occupation….
I enjoyed it, it’s not your everyday paranormal read. I have nothing to compare it to, and it’s hard to define it, but I guess that’s what makes it so stunning. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever read.
Find the review here, on the lively Team Tynga’s Reviews blog.