Looking at the cover of Fallen by
Traci L. Slatton, I thought perhaps this is a paranormal book. Are there vampires? Goblins? No and no. It’s a post-apocalyptic world, where people have been stripped of everything. They have to rely on each other for survival. New alliances and intimate relationships are formed. But at the core of this book, is a love story. A love story that might not have happened if the entire world hadn’t changed.
Deadly mists are killing billions of people. The poisonous gases strike without warning, consuming flesh before completely dissolving its victims into little droplets of water. If you do survive an attack, your mind descends into madness. Those lucky enough to still be alive band together. One woman, Emma, relies on her maternal instincts and her new healing powers to get her through. Emma was traveling in Paris with one of her daughters, Mandy, when the entire world changed. Her husband and eldest daughter were visiting family in Canada, the only safe haven left. Emma mothers not just her own child, but several others she encounters. Emma and her brood move from place to place, scouring the land for food and shelter.