La Serenissima
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La Serenissima

It’s true, I prefer the Florentine painters. The clarity and bright colors and sweet spirituality of Giotto, Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Fra Lippo Lippi, Ghirlandaio, and Verocchio fill my heart with rapture–and that’s not hyperbole.

Nonetheless, Venezia offers its pleasures, Giovanni Bellini and the marvelous fragolino wine from Enoteca Cantinone gia Schiave and a most delicious caprese salad from the Restaurant of the Old Well among them. Tiepolo ranks, too.

La Serenissima

Shout out to Jason Crandell on
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Shout out to Jason Crandell on

This post is a shout out to Jason Crandell on

I’ve blogged about other fantastic Yogaglo teachers before; this post is pure praise for Jason Crandell, whose thoughtful classes are a high point of my yoga practice.

Crandell is unusually articulate not only about the body, but also with the body. His instructions are intelligent and clear and human, a pleasure to follow. His classes often focus on specific areas of the body and I always come away from them with a new appreciation and new understanding of my hamstrings or my side body. A particular favorite was a class about the motions of the spine; another prized class is one that concentrates on steady, rhythmic breath.

I like a yoga class that is strong, steady, supple, rhythmic, and well-constructed, and Crandell always delivers. Check him out at and at . My week isn’t complete with a few of his classes to give me ever more insight into my own body.

Jason Crandall on