The Lost Entwife Reviews COLD LIGHT
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The Lost Entwife Reviews COLD LIGHT

Check out this great new review of COLD LIGHT on the popular Lost Entwife bookblog.

Traci Slatton nails it with her follow up to Fallen….”

Traci Slatton nails it with her follow up to Fallen. In Cold Light Emma is faced with hard decision after hard decision – and we’re not talking about decisions on simply where to live or who to be with. We’re talking life and death decisions in a place that is just simply not pretty.

The end of Fallen leaves of with the reuniting of Emma with her family. She leaves behind someone she’s grown attached to and does what is right and honorable. But now her life in Europe has followed her to Canada – in more ways than one.

What I appreciate about the After trilogy is how the world can be so bleak, but yet there is so much hope in the story. There’s love, and thoughtfulness, and honor in a place where those just don’t seem like they’d exist anymore. And what I love even more is how honest Traci’s writing is. She doesn’t hesitate to do what needs to be done to move the story forward. When writing a story like Cold Light (or it’s previous book), there are hard things which need to be done to give the story credibility. You cannot write about bad people and have them not do bad things. This is not a young adult dystopian or post-apocolyptic story – this is hardcore, knuckle-whitening stuff and it kept me riveted from page one.


The Lost Entwine

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A few months ago, I had a serious beef with my yoga studio, Pure Yoga of NYC, when I discovered them squirting “Industrial Strength Cleaner” on the mats between classes. Yes, that’s exactly what I saw: workers liberally spraying the mats with liquid from bottles marked “Industrial Strength Cleaner.”

Not okay.

Pure was not forthcoming about the ingredients in those bottles when I asked to study the labels. I guess Pure Yoga does not want yogis to know what they are lying on, inhaling, and absorbing.

The moral of that story is: bring your own yoga mat. The other moral, for me, was not to trust a studio that calls itself “Pure” and then secretly applies probable toxins to its mats.

But I wasn’t going to quit yoga. I’ve been doing yoga for 10 years; at this point, I can’t imagine my life without it.

To my utter delight, I discovered a new online virtual yoga studio: Dirtyyogaco. I signed up for Dirtyyoga as soon as possible. I’ve been thrilled with it ever since.

Three new sessions show up online every Monday. If you don’t use the prior sessions, they are gone, sayonara, arrivederci, au revoir. Use ’em or lose ’em.

Classes last from about 30 minutes to about 38 minutes. The teacher is a most appealing Jess Gronholm, one of the creators of DirtyYoga, along with Susi Rajah. The website relates that Susi had a dream, one of the kind that plays in your head when you’re sleeping. She roused herself just enough to write it down, and then shared it with Jess the next day.

What a dream to manifest! For me, as a mother and author, I have a hard time getting away for two hours in the middle of the day. That’s how long it takes to go to a studio, do a 1.5 hour class, and rush home again. Every minute that I’m away from my iMac is a minute I’m not writing. And let’s not mention weekends, when my little one vociferously announces that she wants my undivided attention for the entire day.

So for me to be able to run down the hall any time, lay out a mat that has NOT been sprayed with industrial strength cleaner but has been washed in my washing machine, and then work up a good sweat with a solid yoga class in under an hour–well, that’s satchitananda bliss!

Classes move through warrior 1, 2 and 3, triangle and rotated triangle, extended side angle, crescent pose, chair pose, vinyasas, etc–the basics. Poses flow well and Jess’ instructions are thoughtful and articulate. My body builds up heat and I get a good sweat going, which is my favorite thing.

There is some room for improvement. Dirtyyoga classes do a lot more twists than hip openers, and I really need the hip openers. I’d love to see some pigeon and some shoulder stands. Would like some full wheels. Yes, I stay a few extra moments on my mat to do those poses, but it would be great to see them incorporated into the session.

Best of all, there’s no spiritual moralizing from twenty-eight-year-olds who haven’t been around the block, twice, and had the sh*t kicked out of them, bounced back, and kept going while raising four kids and writing books–as I have. I mean, I know I have something to learn from everyone I meet; I just don’t always want to hear deep thoughts from an earnest kid.

Instead, there are cute, clever, and inspirational quotes from famous people–little sayings that always make me grin. Today I saw this one from Abraham Lincoln:  Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”

This quote typifies the dirtyyogaco approach: whimsical while serious, fun while sweaty.

I love, and I heartily recommend it!





Garbage dumps don’t belong in residential neighborhoods

PLEASE email or call Speaker Christine Quinn today at 212 564 7757 and tell her that we are holding her, as city council speaker, directly responsible for this proposed atrocity, which is a substantial threat to the health and safety of thousands of children and area residents, and will significantly compromise the public’s use of asphalt green and our parklands.

Christine Quinn  (Speaker)
Staff: (212) 564-7757
Legislative office: 212 788 7210

NO OTHER TRANSFER STATION ANYWHERE IN New York City poses such a direct threat to the health and safety of thousands of children and area residents.

The proposed dump will cost the city over $554.3 million of taxpayer money– $335.4 million more than the current cost!

Residents for Sane Trash Solutions

Fictitious Musings review of COLD LIGHT
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Fictitious Musings review of COLD LIGHT

A fun new review of COLD LIGHT, just in time for my birthday….

Check out the intriguing and lively Fictitious Musings Blog “where  bookish people share their thoughts,” and read what they have to say about COLD LIGHT….

The After trilogy is a post-apocalyptic romance story that is as heart-breaking as it is realistic. …Slatton once again has created a brilliant post-apocalyptic world that will have you on the edge of your seat. I couldn’t read it fast enough.”


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Modern Classic

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Modern Classic

I finished the last book with a sharp pang: I had read them all. There were no more to read. I felt a sense of loss.

Stieg Larrson simply wrote three of the most compulsively readable, engaging books I’ve read in decades. The characters were fantastic, complex and multi-dimensional and intriguing, flawed but heroic. I cared about Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist. I liked them and I was rooting for them.
When I discussed the books with my mother, who reads continually, she said, “When Lisbeth got her revenge, I stood up and cheered!”
I could see my mother at her kitchen table with a cup of coffee, standing up to holler as Lisbeth took her vengeance. It’s that kind of novel. It moves you to your feet.
The books are suspenseful: the engine of the plot works robustly. I always look for that in a novel. Does the story move forward? Does it build suspense and tension? Yes, yes, yes for this trilogy.
One of my rules for writing novels is that every story is an argument for a specific value. The value at the heart of the Millennium trilogy is suggested by its original title “Men who hate women.” It has something to do with sexual politics, with the power dynamic between men and women, a power that, at its basest level, comes out of physical strength alone, without making reference to intelligence or character. But that’s at the most base, least evolved level.
Tiny, waifish Salander with her multiple piercings and autistic affect gives the lie to the importance of physical size. She is a trained fighter. She is a resourceful person with hidden gifts. She doesn’t give up and she takes her power into herself. She isn’t traditionally beautiful, she isn’t seductive or pleasing, and she doesn’t fit the stereotypical sitcom image of the good girl we all root for.
But we all root for her. She stays in the reader’s imagination for long after the back cover closes over the pages.
Contrast Salander’s complexity with the nauseating and stupefyingly stupid simplicity of the female character in “Fifty Shades of Gray,” who has a fictional life solely to dither about whether or not to let her naughty handsome billionaire boyfriend spank her. Oh yes, and to surprise herself by having orgasms. Lots of orgasms.
That female character was so insipid and forgettable that I’ve forgotten her name. I couldn’t bring myself to read more than the first half of the first book; the prose was embarrassingly badly written, appallingly badly written. It’s fascinating to me that the author is making so much money with such a pile of crap.
Don’t misunderstand, I had high hopes for “Fifty Shades” of silliness. Mommy porn? Sounded fun to me: I’m game! But the disappointment that I felt wasn’t that the novel was over, it was disappointment that prose this poorly written, and characters this vapid, and a plot this nonexistent, was being published so extravagantly. I would have welcomed well-written mommy porn that didn’t feature an inane female protagonist.
But this goes to show the power of my rule of novels: Every story is an argument for a value. The value behind “Fifty Shades” of mental retardation is that female orgasm is good. Oh, yes, yes Yes YES IT’S GOOD!
Women like that value $$. Duh.
Fortunately, there is a character like Lisbeth Salander to offset the rank idiocy of “Fifty Shades.” Lisbeth is the agent of her own sexuality. Lisbeth chooses her pleasures.
According to Wikipedia, Larrson witnessed the gang-rape of a young woman when he was young, and it haunted him. It led him into thinking deeply about gender relations, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy is a meditation on the power dynamics between the genders, and how men feel about women, especially strong women, women who defy traditional roles and categorizations.
Basically, insecure men want to hurt women they can’t control.
It’s not an accident that Blomkvist’s magazine profiles sex trafficking in the second book, “The Girl who Played with Fire.” Men who hate women see them as objects for their use.
At one point, I think in the last book, Larrson refers to Salander as ‘the girl who hated men who hate women.’ I’m paraphrasing because I was too caught up in the story to remember exactly, though I took note of that phrase. Lisbeth Salander personifies defiance of the approved female roles. She just isn’t going to be objectified.
So the trilogy was deeply pleasurable on many levels. It worked as a riveting story with characters who grabbed you and didn’t let go no matter what. It also worked on the intellectual level, with ideas that matter.
Read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. I recommend it. It will satisfy you and make you think, both at the same time.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Tynga’s Reviews: Review and Giveaway of FALLEN
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Tynga’s Reviews: Review and Giveaway of FALLEN

Tynga's Reviews

Tynga’s Reviews is a fun and far-reaching blog out of Ontario. Here’s the link to the Giveaway for FALLEN and COLD LIGHT and here’s the link to the review:

Emma is one of the few who has survived and she has gained the ability to heal with the touch of her hands. I loved her as a main character because she is so solid and strong…. Some type of romantic relationship develops between Emma and Arthur. I love the basis of the relationship, although I totally didn’t expect what happened between them in the first chapter. I have to admit, their bickering and their fighting is quite engaging and it’s the reason the love story behind the book is so interesting. I don’t want to spoil any surprises but it’s quite obvious, as you read the book, that secrets will create a lot of tension, not only between Emma and Arthur, but between the whole group of survivors. … As a whole, I really enjoyed this novel. It’s quite dark at times with the death of so many people and the fighting amongst gangs of survivors…Traci L. Slatton added a great amount of these details, creating a realistic image of a brutal world…Slatton is  a wonderful discovery and fans of the genre will be satisfied with FALLEN since, not only is it very original, but it also has a good solid love story at the heart of the book.”