I am happy to announce a new eBook:

Author Blog
I am happy to announce a new eBook:
Columnist Margaret Marr of bustling Nights and Weekends blog wrote a fantastic review of FAR SHORE.
In Far Shore, the struggles are brutal, the emotions are high, and the dangers are constant. Emma makes decisions that you might not like, but you’ll understand why she makes the choices that she does—because no decision falls neatly into a black or white zone. She once again proves her strength and courage as she’s faced with one insurmountable problem on top of another. You’ll admire her for sticking with Arthur even at his worst and most pitiful moments.
Interwoven into this apocalyptic plot is an epic love story that defies the ravages of time and incidents…
Once you begin reading Far Shore, you’ll be sucked in with no hope of getting out—nor will you want to. Page after page brings intrigue, suspense, and breathtaking thrills all wrapped up in a solid plot that will continue into another adventure with the next book in the series. Come on, what are you waiting for? Join the apocalypse!
It’s especially sweet for me because Marr is an author herself. She’s an educated consumer, in the sense that she too has sweated through a few rough spots in a story. She has smart things to say about writing and revision. Here’s a great interview of Marr on a writer’s blogspot, talking about the necessity of revision and how she came to accept herself as a writer.
So come on, everyone–Join the apocalypse!
Reviews of Fallen.
So, over this lovely Thanksgiving weekend, with so much to be grateful for, come two wonderful new reviews.
Leslie Wright, paranormal author and passionate reader extraordinaire, wrote a warm and thoughtful review of THE LOVE OF MY (OTHER) LIFE.
Here’s a quick quote: This is a fun and romantic take on the power of soulmates. As Slatton creates her characters, she imbues them with warmth and recklessness. There is a boldness and vulnerability attached to Brian that draw you to his character.
The review is found here on her book review blog Tic Toc, and also here on Blogcritics. org for double the love. You can find Leslie on FB here and on twitter: @LeslieTicToc
The inimitable Kelly Woodward, who has a master’s in literature and was once a ballroom dance teacher, is hosting a giveaway of FALLEN and an interview of me to go along with her insightful review. Her blog is called You can read me anything.
I loved when she wrote: I started reading Fallen in the car on the way home (relax…my husband was driving, not me!), and I asked my husband to let the car idle in the driveway for a minute…I needed to finish the scene and find out what happened!The rest of the book holds up to the promise of the first pages. Slatton’s writing is smooth and efficient; she crafts scenes so easily that you can’t help but see them in your mind’s eye….
Check out Kelly’s review here and ENTER TO WIN A COPY OF FALLEN here.
You can find Kelly on FB here and on twitter: @kellyswoodward
I love the internet, I believe in the internet as the voice and the flow of the demotic, and I staunchly advocate for a free internet.
I think Snowden and Assange are heroes. Individuals have the right to privacy, no matter what Obama’s Big Brother government believes–and do I risk a drone targeting me for saying that?
What I do not believe in is THEFT. Piracy. Stealing. Copyright violation.
I suppose it happens to all authors these days–we google ourselves online and find our books offered as free downloads. It cuts into sales and steals money from our pockets.
To everyone who posts those files, or who downloads them: YOU ARE THIEVES. You are setting yourselves up for bad karma, and I for one will be thrilled to see you meet your just rewards for such acts of conniving thievery.
Here is my standard takedown letter, and I have to send it regularly:
The email is notification of copyright infringement. I am the author of “X NOVEL.” Please remove my novel “X” from your website
I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of here is not authorized by me, the copyright holder, or the law. The information provided here is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I swear under penalty of perjury that I am the copyright holder.
Please send me at the address noted below a prompt response indicating the actions you have taken to resolve this matter.
I am copying the author’s guild legal services department on this email so that they can inform other authors of the infringement and piracy on your website.
TO all my readers: PLEASE DO NOT participate in free downloads of copyrighted material. It is theft. It is wrong.
Awesome Gift.
Our wonderful friend Don, who is a deeply lovely human being, and funny and smart and successful, though much too hard on himself, came for dinner the other night. He brought a delightful friend. He also brought gifts.
The gifts were unexpected and unnecessary, but Oh, so delicious.
Upon me, he bestowed one of the most thoughtful gifts ever: mugs emblazoned with the covers of some of my books!!! How utterly enchanting.
And happy me.